Onehunga High School


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Te Haerenga - Our school Marae

Ko Maungakiekie te maunga

Ko Manukau te moana

Ko Te Haerenga te marae.

The school marae, Te Haerenga, was opened in February 1996.  It’s creation came about following a long period of planning and consultation by the community, Board of Trustees marae committee and the school leadership team.  

Te Haerenga is an integral part of the school.  It stands proudly at the school’s entrance. It is a place of welcome for all manuhiri as well as a teaching and learning space for students.

The name of the marae is embedded in the school vision statement and embodies the learning process shared by all students, as well as the location of the school on the shores of the Manukau Harbour. These themes have been incorporated in the whakairo and kowhaiwhai, designed and produced by master carver Gordon Hatfield and assisted by students of the school.