Prefect Leadership
Prefects play a vital part in the running of Onehunga High School; assisting and supporting both staff and pupils.
A Prefects role and responsibilities are:
- To act as a role model for students and promote the values of the school
- To maintain an atmosphere of friendly cooperation, discipline and unity in the school
- To wear the correct uniform at all times and with pride
- To adhere to school rules at all times
- To help ensure school rules are followed by pupils
- Academic and behavioural standards must be maintained
- To attend all meetings as required
- To liaise and collaborate with each other as a team, to ensure efficiency and smooth running of your own area of responsibility and of the school as a whole.
- To be an approachable Prefect to whom students can come to for assistance or support
- To always work in the interest of the school
- To help organise school events
- To attend school events when required
Congratulations on being selected as an Onehunga High School Prefect for 2025.
The title and position of being a prefect is a privilege and honour that we hope you will look back on in future years with pride and a sense of accomplishment.
As a prefect, you will be expected to take on extra responsibilities within Onehunga High School, in addition to your studies and extracurricular activities, including helping with school assemblies and events. We expect all prefects to set the highest standard to other students, in their attitude, behaviour, attendance, uniform and sound academic focus. You will be good ambassadors for Onehunga High School, leading with Loyalty and Courage in all areas of school life, for others to follow.
We encourage students to look up to our prefects, to aspire to be prefects and leaders of the future. Our prefects are the bridge between the staff and students and the students' aspirations. As a prefect, you will be cooperative, helpful, trustworthy and responsible, motivating and encouraging all students to participate in the full school life. We encourage our prefects to show initiative and be able to work independently and as part of a team, generating new ideas and developing them to help Onehunga High School thrive.
Our Prefect Team for 2025 is:
- Amber-Keisha Kuluia Hampton-Toko-Mikahere - Head prefect
- Jacob Cooper - Head prefect
- Elsie Woodward - Deputy head prefect
- Kara Belk - Deputy head prefect
- Chalotte Lilo
- Daiana Radrole
- Emerson Rockell
- James Sinclair
- Jessica De Silva
- Lile Rose Sinisa
- Maddison 'One'one
- Megan Webb
- N'kara Tiumalu
- Riley Letiu
- Troy Pettigrew
- Vaitofiga Anesone
- Vansh Kumar
- Vinnie Carter
- Yuto Suzuki

Amber-Keisha Kuluia Hampton-Toko-Mikahere

Jacob Cooper

Elsie Woodward

Kara Belk