Onehunga High School provides quality support for learning, to ensure all learners access the curriculum and achieve their personal best.
Student learning and wellbeing is supported by our mentoring programme. The Kaitiaki teacher and year level Dean assist each individual student to develop academic goals and closely monitor their progress. Intervention and support is provided to ensure all learners are successful.
Whānau classes sit within the Kaitiaki programme. These are vertically organised along tuakana/teina principles and staffed by te reo teachers. Aspects of tikanga Māori sit alongside mentoring.

Deans are the immediate link between school and home. Each dean follows students through five years at Onehunga High School, taking responsibility for both the progress and welfare of each student.
- Y9 Dean - Mr Eiman [email protected]
- Y10 Dean - Ms Wang [email protected]
- Y11 Dean - Ms Cotton [email protected]
- Y12 Dean - Mr King [email protected]
- Y13 Dean - Mr McKay [email protected]

The role of the Peer Support Programme is to smooth the transition of Year 9 students to high school. Around thirty Year 13 students are trained by the Guidance department to take on this leadership role to provide support for our Year 9 students. The Peer Support leaders meet the Year 9 students and along with their Kaitiaki, spend time during their first week at school helping to orient and make easier their first few days at high school. For the rest of Term One, Peer Support leaders spend Tuesday and Thursday Kaitiaki time leading activities to build relationships, strengthen communication skills and provide practical transition support.

Learning Support staff provide wrap-around support for students to meet their learning needs and provide a well resourced space for students with specialised needs. Teachers, Learning Support Co-ordinators and Learning Assistants work collaboratively with students in a nurturing and supporting environment.

Counsellors and nurses provide care and support in the Hauora Centre. The members of our Guidance team are trained and experienced counsellors who are available to all students.
We have three registered nurses on staff. At year 9, all students are offered a full health assessment, carried out by the nurses. A doctor, physiotherapist and psychologist are also available for students. Dental care is accessed at school.

The Careers team supports students to research options and make informed choices to plan for their future careers and tertiary study. The Careers Advisor, Mrs Shaw, is available to meet with any student to discuss their interests, school subject selection and potential career pathways.