Onehunga High School


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The Arts & Culture

“Creativity takes courage.” Henri Matisse

At Onehunga High school, The Arts are a powerful form of expression that recognise value the unique bi-cultural and multi-cultural significance of Aotearoa/New Zealand. The rich cultural diversity of Onehunga High School brings together a range of unique perspectives, the outcome is magical. A range of cultural perspectives encourages creativity and entrepreneurship - we see evidence of this in all of the Learning Areas.

In The Arts, students learn to work both independently and collaboratively to create meanings, produce works and respond to and value the contribution of others through dance, drama, music and visual arts. They learn to use imagination to engage with unexpected outcomes and to explore multiple solutions.  The Arts give us the opportunity to express those ideas that can often find no other voice.

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Painting          Photography          Design           Kapa Haka            Drama           Music            Dance        Polyfest

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Kapa Haka

Kapa haka encourages cultural connection, whilst preserving the Māori language and customs. When Māori first started performing kapa haka on the national stage in the 1970s, we were confronted with the prospect that te reo Māori and tikanga were in serious decline. Kapa haka has played a large role in the revitalisation of the Māori language and Māori cultural values. It enhances positive well-being by encouraging a sense of belonging, providing opportunities to practice te reo me ōna tikanga, whilst reinforcing social collaboration and cohesion.

"Kapa haka creates a mobile, transferable tūrangawaewae. Our performers talk about their tū, their stand. The stage is a place for them to stand with pride, and to enjoy a sense of belonging, community, affirmation and identity." Professor Linda Waimarie Nikora

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Onehunga High School takes pride in performing every second year at Polyfest. As well as Kapa Haka, our students represent cultural groups from the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa, Tonga as well as Diversity groups. 

Polyfest is an an important journey for our students to celebrate and share their culture. Polyfest arose from the vision of Auckland students, to demonstrate a student's pride in their cultural identity and heritage, and to bring together many different schools, as well as the different cultures. It gives Auckland Secondary School students the opportunity to express themselves through cultural performances and the experience of performing to a large audience. Polyfest provides an important traditional cultural dance experience for the Maori and Pacific Island community as well as the general public, increasing public awareness of culturally based dance art forms.