Onehunga High School


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Travelling to and from School

Safety at the School Gate:

We are part of an Auckland Transport Programme to ensure that students arriving and leaving school at the start and end of each day stay safe.  Auckland Transport Enforcement Officers will be checking to ensure that Parents and Students are following relevant parking rules.  Parents risk a fine if they are not followed. 

Bus Routes:

The bus routes for Onehunga High School are managed by Auckland Transport.

Morning buses are timed to get students to school by 8.35am and afternoon buses depart the school at 3.20pm.

Students catching buses in the afternoon are required to line up in the Quad behind the sign with the bus number they are catching.  Teachers will then walk students over to the bus to board. 

School Bus Routes for Onehunga High School

Where possible, students are encouraged to catch buses from Onehunga High School, rather than public buses on Queenstown Rd, or the Onehunga Bus Depot.