Onehunga High School


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Dance Programme Ignites Creativity

Dance Programme Ignites Creativity

During week one of term, we were fortunate to have several dance professionals come in to teach our dance classes different genres of dance, to extend their perspective on what dance can look like.

 Ken Vaega, a professional Krump, Hip Hop and Street dancer, came in to do a workshop with our senior dancers. Students learned basic Krump vocab such as how to ‘krump up’ and create characters within their performance. Our intention is to invite Ken back to share his knowledge and experience with the wider school community and to get other students involved in dance as a form of self-expression. 

 On Friday, Footnote Contemporary Dance Company came in to work with our Level 1, 2, and 3 dancers, to teach them a short phrase and some contemporary dance techniques. Footnote has just finished a dance tour and shared with the students some of the movement vocabulary from the show. This was an interesting contrast to the Krump workshop.

 Gemma Naidoo a professional dancer who trained at Auckland University and now works in the industry, taught Year 10 dancers a contemporary hip-hop fusion piece. Students can choose to use this as their assessment work. 

 Students have really enjoyed their exposure to these different dance genres. We would like to sincerely thank those people who have given up their time to enrich our students’ studies.

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