It is a pleasure to announce the Prefect team for 2025.
Head Girl- Amber-Keisha Kuluia Hampton-Toko -Mikahere
Head Boy- Jacob Cooper
Deputy Head Girl- Elsie Woodward
Deputy Head Boy- Kara Belk
Vaitofiga Anesone. Vinnie Carter, Jessica De Silva, Vansh Kumar, Riley Letiu, Charlotte Lilo, Madeleine ‘One’one, Troy Pettigrew, Daiana Radrole, Emerson Rockell, James Sinclair, Lile-Rose Sinisa, Yuto Suzuki, N’Kara Tiumalu, Megan Webb.
Congratulations to all of our Prefects. We look forward to your leadership and your positive impact on the Onehunga High School community.